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Exercise & Exfoliation Exceeds Expectations

Sunday was top drawer, really top drawer.

As lovely as an Atlanta porch sounds, we found a more urban way to spend quality time with the gays yesterday afternoon. After a trip to the gym, we took a stroll through BB&B (just browsing, thanks). Then we popped by the Kiehl's counter at the Co-op and ran into all sorts of boys; catching up with old Fire Island housemates, swapping Ptown stories and raking in a small fortune of "travel samples" from the honey behind the counter. She aslo recommended a kicky little exfoliating scrub with clay and grape seeds, which I thoroughly enjoyed during my pre-Sydney shower/spa last night.

And if working out, shopping and hanging with Lorna Larry weren't enough to make the day complete, I was overcome by a spasm of culinary creativity and whipped up a new recipe: Chickpea Stew with Essence of Lemon and Cumin over Polenta. Fast, filling and really tasty, found in the latest issue of Cooking Light.

The weather today is text-book back-to-school gorgeous. So nice I might even have to go for a run this afternoon. My first day back in the office is zipping right along, and if all continues at this pace, I think I might be caught up by November. Woo hoooo.

Now then, off to find me some lunch.