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You Never Know Unless You Ask

The rules, if you don't know them already.

1. Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3. You'll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Here are my gorgeous questions from Chris:

1. What's your favorite place to vacation and why?

Exploring most any tropical (water temp above 78) reef, 15-80 feet underwater with 60+ feet of visibility and a SCUBA tank strapped to my back. Nothing’s more peaceful than hanging out with the sea critters, blowing bubbles, and being weightless.

Our house in Provincetown is one of my favorite places; it’s the closest thing to sanctuary that I know of. However, since it is pretty much a home away from home, it doesn't count as vacation.

2. If you could see one play or musical again once a year for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

Oh gods, oh gods, are you there?

Once on This Island. Never have I gotten so worked up over a Cast Recording, and a dozen years later, it still moves me. Didn’t see the original show in New York, but saw the first National Tour in Chicago. We went to the BCEFA benefit last May, and from the opening chords, I was pretty much a mess through the whole thing. Hello, Sappy, party of one. For me, it’s one of the most perfect examples of theater as storytelling -- the frame of the storm, the theme of love conquering death, the wonderful lyrics. When the gods cry for Ti Moune's death, well ... I'm weeping right there with them.

Our lives become the stories that we weave.

3. Which, if any, charities or nonprofits do you regularly donate to?

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, God's Love We Deliver, New York Theater Workshop.

4. What blogger would you most like to see nekkid as the day he or she (yeah, right) was born?

Hmm, a tough one – Hugh Jackman doesn’t have a blog, does he?

I'm fascinated by Michael. I’m always saying talent is an aphrodisiac. He already puts his naked soul out through his beautiful words; why not add the corporeal? He’s wicked handsome and if the rest of him looks half as good as he writes, how could it not be delicious?

5. You're in charge of the Oscars this year. Who are you going to have host?

Andy and Jackie Hoffman. Wouldn’t that be a kick?!? They both deserve the national exposure. Barring that (plus, I imagine he'll be unavailable due to his impending trip to Singapore), I guess we could hire Ellen Degeneres.