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Tuesday 200 - #13

Hey dude,

I totally promised I’d email everyday, but it’s been totally busy. Sucks you couldn’t come. Your mom’s such a bitch (but hey, you knew that, right? Heh). It’s not like you were the only one who set the school on fire. Totally sucks you got caught. Heh heh.

Fuck … dude … it’s cool right? Nobody reads this account but you, right? I hope so. So anyway … this ski trip is totally awesome. Snowboarding rocks. There’s this instructor, Heidi, she totally wants to blow me.

Everybody is really cool and the chicks dig my American accent. I can’t understand much of what anybody’s saying, but whatever. I just pretend I’m in one of those faggy art movies that you tell me I should like. Truth, I just stand there and then all of a sudden five smokin' Swiss chicks wants to make out with me. But I’m holding out for the hot instructor. Only cock block is this fairy goat herding guy she likes. Such a total geek. Once I get her away from him and her Grandpa McGrumperfuck it will be 'Alpine' (that’s my new word for golden … start using it now).



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Last week's Tuesday 200.

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