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I was up for a consulting gig that would have suited me perfectly. The opportunity came out of the blue last week (an old colleague Googled me), and it was just what the employment doctor ordered ... a short-term contract to get me back into work mode.

I got my hopes up. Counted chickens. All that.

Said colleague called this morning to let me know "they decided to go internally after all."

Typical marketing marketing people:

Head of Investment Admin ... "We've got a new team coming in and they need spice up their USPs to be on par with existing brand."

Marketing Manager ... "We have too much work, we can't do any more for your team, we'd like to, but we're already stretched too thin."

New Head of Investment Admin ... "Okay, that's fine. We can outsource it. I know someone who'd be perfect and you'll love working with him."

Marketing Manager ... "What? You're taking work away from us that might make us look good? We'll handle it after all."

:: :: ::

I was disappointed for a few hours. Feeling blue. You know, a little self-conscious anxiety that results in non-specific sadness. And my iPod was out of gas, so I couldn't even listen to The Drowsy Chaperone.

So I sat down in St. James Park, watched the ducks and swans, and thought about all the things I'm grateful for. The list is plentiful. It even includes not having a job and therefore having time to watch the ducks and swans.

Odd how a foul mood got better while watching the fowl.

Sometimes all it takes is being thankful. Three hours later, I had two new contacts for sourcing new jobs.

And, to all my Canadian friends and family ... HAPPY THANKSGIVING, eh.